
Spiel für Mädchen Christmas Performance

hinzugefügt am 21 Dec 2020 74 Mal gespielt 1 Spieler, Maus-Geschicklichkeit, Verkleiden, Weihnachten, HTML5, Handy, Touchscreen

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With clouds of fluffy snowflakes, Christmas brings us hope and a lot of joy. Share them with others, and they will only grow. Emily and her band have a Christmas performance in the central square of the city. Create the magical looks for Emily and Justin, so everyone around could feel the mood of Merry Christmas! Playing this dress up game is the perfect way for any girl to call on the spirit of Merry Christmas! Play with cool clothes and marvelous accessories. Put on Emily and Justin costumes of your favorite Christmas characters: Santa, elves, candy-fairy from, reindeer or Snowman, or combine some items to make them look hilarious. Have fun, girl! Merry Christmas!!!


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Christmas Performance
Christmas Performance
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