
Spiel für Mädchen Cooking Chocolate Popsicle

(494 KB) hinzugefügt am 14 Jul 2016 111 Mal gespielt 1 Spieler, Flash, Simulation, Kochen

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Can you think of anything tastier than a homemade chocolate popsicle? They are the creamiest and the fudgiest chocolate popsicles you will ever eat ... and the best! Decoration for these chocolate dipped popsicles is the funniest thing you can do in matter of decoration. After dipping the baked popsicles in yummy chocolate, we will use some pretzel for the deer horns, cherry for the red nose, and some icing for eyes and mouth. Does it sound familiar? Of course it does, they look like Rudolf the reindeer! Fave lots of fun cooking this delicious recipe!


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Cooking Chocolate Popsicle
Cooking Chocolate Popsicle
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