
Spiel für Mädchen From Nerd to School Popular

hinzugefügt am 06 Sep 2024 0 Mal gespielt 1 Spieler, Simulation, Verkleiden, Lustig, Romanze, HTML5, Makeover / Make-up, Handy, Touchscreen

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From Nerd to School Popular is a fun make over and dress up simulation game here at Y8.com! Embark on a transformation journey "From Nerd To School Popular"! Help our protagonist navigate high school life, overcome challenges, and discover their true potential. With your guidance, they’ll undergo a stylish makeover, gain confidence, and rise to the top of the social ladder. Experience the ultimate high school makeover story and watch as our hero transforms from a shy outsider to a beloved school icon!


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From Nerd to School Popular
From Nerd to School Popular
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