
Spiel für Mädchen Princesses Become Magical Creatures

hinzugefügt am 24 May 2019 195 Mal gespielt 1 Spieler, Verkleiden, Elfen, Prinzessin, HTML5, Handy, Touchscreen, Bitent

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In this fun new game that we have for you, you will get the chance to meet your favorite princesses as magical creatures. The ice queen is now a centaur lady, her sister is an elf, the bravest princess has become a mermaid and the little mermaid princess is now a fairy. What a twist, right? Have fun dressing them in lovely outfits, really magical ones and make sure you will find just the perfect makeup to go with that magical look. Don't forget to save your picture at the end and share your awesome creation with your friends. Welcome to this magical world where everything is possible! Have fun!


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Princesses Become Magical Creatures
Princesses Become Magical Creatures
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